Q&A: Do not give up

My life of progress is the result of my heart's little cry and my Lord's big Smile.

My aspiration seems very feeble, and I'm worried it won't get any stronger in the future.

Let us not worry about the future. Let us think of the present. As you sow, so you reap. In the past perhaps you have not sown the proper seed. Let us say your inner cry was not intense in the past, and that is why your aspiration is not strong right now. Right now you are not crying for God all the time; you do not have the feeling that without God you cannot exist. You feel that as long as there are interesting things in the world, as long as you have friends, as long as you are comfortable, you can go on. But when you feel that you can exist without water, without air, without everything, but not without God, at that time you can be certain that you will find fulfilment in the future.

If you sow a seed now, it will eventually germinate and become a plant. If we sow the proper seed-that is to say, aspiration-then the aspiration-tree will bear fruit, which we call realisation. But if we do not sow the proper seed inside ourselves, then how can we get the proper fruit? So let us not worry about the future. Let us only do the right thing today, at this moment, here and now. Try to aspire today, and let the future take care of itself.