The Auckland Sri Chinmoy Centre

Meditation workshops; fun-runs and ultra-marathons; concerts and cultural events – for over two decades the Auckland Sri Chinmoy Centre has grown in capacity and size to become a dynamic and active organisation, it's many initiatives attracting much community support and goodwill.

Our activities share one common purpose – to serve in some small way the goal of world harmony and personal fulfilment – and we hope you find among our initiatives something to inspire you in your own quest for happiness.

Meditation classes and concerts

You can find out more about our upcoming classes and concerts on our Meditation Auckland site - you can also use the contact form there to get in touch with us!

Visit site

Jogyata, one of our Auckland classgivers, talks about the importance of not judging your meditation

Fun Runs and Races

Sport helps to revitalise our spiritual life, and stop it from becoming sluggish and monotonous. Our sporting activities include a regular Saturday morning 2 mile 'Self-Transcendence' fun-run at the Auckland Domain; 5/10 km fun-runs and half-marathons and  our annual 24 hour championship track race at the Millennium Stadium .

Visit our races website


Sri ChinmoySri Chinmoy in Auckland

On four occasions, the Auckland Centre has hosted Sri Chinmoy's personal visits to New Zealand

Over 20,000 New Zealanders have enjoyed Sri Chinmoy's concerts, Masters Games, public talks and functions Sri Chinmoy has offered during these visits.

More on Sri Chinmoy's NZ visits »