

The first time I went to what used to be known as the Aum Centre in Miramar, Puerto Rico, was in June of 1968. I went continuously for about 3 months, but at that time I considered myself to be a disciple of another spiritual Master. After some time, I felt that I was being unfaithful to him, so I stopped coming. A few months later, I also stopped coming to that other guru's group, to devote myself to the "hippie path". I used to have recurring dreams about "this man" who would just observe me at times and at other times simply smiled. I do not recall having any conversations with him. All I remember was that he was very special, very divine, and his presence brought great comfort, reassurance and joy. In my wakeful state I would also see him at times in quick flashes and at other times for possibly a full minute. He was always observing or smiling sweetly. Then he disappeared into thin air. It came to the point where I would look for him everywhere, even in my dreams. In September 1969, one of the Puerto Rican disciples came to a festival organised by a group of my friends. She had with her a small Transcendental photograph. Somehow she managed to gather a large group of us and caught our complete attention. She spoke briefly and straight to the point. Holding Guru's picture in one hand, she said, "This is my Guru, Sri Chinmoy. He is lecturing in Japan, and he will be back to the Island (meaning Puerto Rico) in December—and he is looking for young disciples." The following Sunday morning, a large group of about 40 to 50 seeker-hippies invaded the Centre. When I saw Guru's picture at that time, I knew this was an old friend, someone whom I had known all my life and was finally going to meet once again. I did not make the connection with my dreams yet; I just knew that I wanted the "high" in that godly face on that photograph and that it made me very happy. Toward the end of December 1969, Guru visited the Island. Our first meeting with him was on a bright Sunday morning. After a very powerful meditation, Guru spoke very beautifully and very convincingly. Among the things he said to us was that he was the "high" we had been looking for: "I am your highest consciousness." Then he invited us to introduce ourselves to him. I used to wear a laminated Transcendental photograph around my neck so that the picture actually fell over my heart chakra. When my turn came and I stood up, before I could even open my mouth, Guru said with great excitement, pointing towards his own heart, "You've got me here! You've got me here! I have been calling you for a year. Your guru brought you to me." I realised at that moment that Guru was the Real Thing. I also realised that Guru was my Guru and that I was his forever.

Sevananda (Puerto Rico)