Soundless Sound

In 1972, before I became a disciple, one day I was in our bookstore on Parsons Boulevard when Guru came in. At first I did not recognise him, but when Guru was about to leave, I realised who it was. I was standing at the counter where you would pay for your things, and a disciple was there to take the money. I remember whirling around and asking Guru before he exited if he would accept me as his disciple. Then we had a little conversation. The disciple at the counter was definitely within earshot, not even a yard from Guru and me. The amazing thing is that that person could see us speaking but could not hear a word. We had a completely private conversation during those few moments that Guru was speaking to me and accepting me as a disciple. It was "soundless sound". Then all of a sudden the sound returned and everything was back to normal.

Nishtha (New York)