Passed The Test

Passed The Test

My freshman year in high school, about a year and a half before I became a disciple, I had a horrible history teacher. She would find any reason to punish us. She never really taught us anything—she spent most of her time yelling at us not to turn our heads. As a result, we all failed, or just barely passed the class. She got the greatest joy from that. We had a test almost every week. One week I decided not to study at all; I was just totally fed up. While I was taking the test, out of the corner of my right eye I saw a figure in a blue sports coat, pale blue dhoti and khurta and white mules. I knew of Guru then, but I did not know it was Guru. I did, however, know that some deity was blessing me. I tried to look at the figure, but it disappeared—plus I was yelled at for looking away from my paper. It returned shortly after and stayed until the class was over. The following day when we walked into class, everyone noticed that our teacher seemed angry. Usually the day after a test she was in total bliss. She called us up one by one and slapped the test into each person's hand. I noticed a few smiles and joyful giggles, and when it was my turn, I knew why. I believe I got 89 out of 100, plus the entire class had passed the test.

Susatya (New York)