Astounding Rescue

Astounding Rescue

On my birthday a number of years ago, Sri Chinmoy invited me to his house. When I was leaving, late in the afternoon, my husband pulled up in a car. He had some serious news for me—my brother had suffered an acute appendicitis attack. The doctors had operated and discovered that his appendix had burst; he was in intensive care and critically ill. I didn't even think about what to do—I just turned around and walked back in the house, and went down to the basement where Guru was serenely practising his cello. I hated to disturb him but I felt I had no choice. I sat before him and relayed the terrifying message I had just received. Immediately Guru stopped playing, and he began meditating so intensely, with such power, that I was astounded. My brother is extremely dear to me, but Guru had only seen him once, many years before. I was overwhelmed with gratitude to see Guru climb to such an awesome height in the inner world to rescue my brother. My brother's life was saved and he resumed his active career. I would never forget the love that Guru poured upon my brother's soul.

Hashi (New York)