Column Of Light

Column Of Light

In 1972 I was working as an international teller at a bank in Manhattan. One day I had begun to feel very ill and left work early. I don't know how I made it home on the subway. By the time I climbed up the hill and up my street, I was reeling with a raging fever, dizzy and hardly able to walk. When I got home, I called Sri Chinmoy's house and all I could say was, "I'm very sick." A little while later when I was passed out in bed, my door opened downstairs and Savyasachi said, "Tanima, Guru is here and he is coming up." I was extremely weak but I pulled myself up to a sitting position. Guru climbed up the stairs, came over to me and placed both his hands on my head. Immediately I felt this tremendously powerful column of light coming from his hand down through the centre of my body. His blessings lasted quite long and I was trying to be receptive. When he removed his hands he said, "Now sleep, and tomorrow you will feel better." And I did. I woke up feeling not just better but completely well, as if I had never been sick at all. At the meditation the next night Guru said the illness had been so severe that I would have been very sick for at least two weeks, but because I had been receptive, he was able to completely cure me.

Tanima (New York)