Walking Meditation

Walking Meditation

Shortly after I became a disciple of Sri Chinmoy, I once stayed with a disciple who had a cat in her basement apartment. The lady upstairs also had a cat, and one day the upstairs cat managed to get downstairs. Immediately the two cats went after each other, screaming and biting as if they were going to kill each other. When I tried to separate them, the upstairs cat dug her teeth into my right wrist. She was actually hanging by her teeth from my wrist, and when I got her off, she bit me a second time. Soon the wrist swelled up very big and I couldn’t use it at all. For the next two days, every time I passed by Guru for prasad or walking meditation, he had his eyes closed or was looking elsewhere. The wrist would not get better. On the third day, however, I saw Guru looking directly at the bandage on my wrist. Soon afterwards the swelling went down and the pain disappeared.

Vasanti (Heidelberg)