Always There To Protect Me

Always There To Protect Me

I feel that Sri Chinmoy has shown me the value of God's constant protection on numerous occasions. When I was studying in Salzburg, I always went to the university by bike. One day, out of the blue, I was wondering what would happen if I collided with a car. I told myself that it is stupid to think of an accident and tried to get rid of those thoughts. Some weeks later I was riding to the university in a hurry, much faster than usual. At one crossing the lights were nearly changing from green to yellow, but I decided not to stop and went on straight. In front of me I saw a huge BMW that wanted to turn left, but I did not worry about it because I had the right of way. Suddenly I realised, "O my God, the driver does not see me!" Immediately I braked very hard and turned the front wheel to the left. The car drove by very near but without touching the bike or me. Then it stopped short and I said to myself, "Now he has seen me." I was shivering and still standing in the middle of the crossing. Around me all the cars where waiting until I slowly got to the side of the street. I wasn't in a hurry any more but full of gratitude. I knew that to come down from my speed to a full stop within those few seconds was simply impossible, especially when you have such an old bicycle. For me this was some kind of miracle and I remembered my thoughts about an accident some weeks before.

Claudia (Munich)