Chanting Supreme

Chanting "Supreme"

One evening around 9 p.m., I was driving in the countryside towards a town two hours away. I had driven to this town a few times for work, but had mostly travelled during the daytime. This night I decided to take a shortcut that I had discovered before, and I turned off the highway. A little farther along, it began to occur to me that the road was narrower than I remembered. However, I dismissed this little whispered warning and drove on regardless, reassuring myself that the signpost where I had turned had the appropriate towns written on it. I was travelling just under the speed limit, but it was much too fast to cope with what happened next. The road suddenly became a dirt road with corrugations and pot holes, and I hit a huge ditch. The car flew into the air, landed and began skidding. As if in slow motion, I saw a pole coming towards me. The car was completely out of control and I felt sure that my life was about to end. Then inwardly I felt what I can only describe as a fork in the road. Either I would survive or my soul would leave my body on this lonely country road. I screamed "Supreme" over and over. Instantly I felt invisible hands reach down and guide the car away from the pole and into a gentle spin. The car came to a halt facing the opposite direction, but without a scratch on it! I felt so strongly that I had been saved by chanting "Supreme".

Sushmitam (Geelong)