

Since we live in the mountains, we have to drive more than one hour to our Centre in Salzburg. Once in winter, when I was driving home alone, I felt very drowsy and probably I fell asleep for one or two seconds. Suddenly I woke up and realised that I was heading straight towards two lights of another car. My car lost control and began spinning. "O God, I have fallen asleep! Supreme, Supreme, please, please help me!" I screamed. The car made a turn to the left side of the street, where there was a high step from the sidewalk. At that moment, it came into my mind that I had promised two friends from our Centre to drive them in my car to the Germany meeting the next weekend. Now the car turned to the right side, where it finally came to a halt on a very small flat space beside the street, avoiding a large ditch. I strongly felt that, through Sri Chinmoy's protection, I was safe and the car whole.

Maria (Salzburg)