Peace Run begins its journey around the world

Recently, the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run started a new journey, in which it will visit all 44 countries in the southern hemisphere. It will be the first time the international team of runners will encircle the globe in a single Peace Run.

During its journey, the Peace Run gives countless people the opportunity to join in with the spirit of the run by holding the Peace Torch and spread a message of peace, friendship and harmony.

Young students enthusiastically hold the Peace Torch in Denpasar, Bali

This momentous Peace Run began in Bali on the 1st of February and is now in Australia, having visited Vanuatu, Timor Leste and Papua New Guinea. The entire journey will take the best part of a year and is scheduled to finish in Bali in November 2019.

Peace Run welcomed by Port-Vila International School in Vanuatu

The route will take in Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific islands, South America, Southern Africa and islands in the Indian Ocean.

The route of the Peace Run.
timor leste
A traditional welcome for the Peace Run in Timor Leste

The Peace Run was founded by the late peace visionary Sri Chinmoy in a spirit of love, harmony and oneness. This spirit permeates the relay and touches the hearts of all those who participate. An athlete, philosopher, artist, musician and poet, Sri Chinmoy dedicated his life to advancing the ideals of world friendship and oneness.

“We do not need
Heaven-born saints
But just earth-born seekers
Who believe in peace
And want to live in peace.”

Sri Chinmoy 1

Timor Leste
The Peace Run welcomed at the Xanana Gusmao Reading Room, the first public library to be opened in Timor, following the 1999 referendum.
