Our members

We come from all backgrounds and walks of life, brought together by our shared love of meditation, spirituality and world-service.

How we started

Sri Chinmoy's students describe the journey of self-discovery that led them to the Sri Chinmoy Centre.

More stories

Abhinabha Tangerman - Amsterdam, HollandWhat really appealed to me was the combination of a profound and soulful inner life with a dynamic and versatile outer life. More »What really appealed to me was the combination of a profound and soulful inner life with a dynamic and versatile outer life. More »Adesh Widmer - Zurich, SwitzerlandMy inner urge for a higher life had once again been awakened, and I felt that 'the real thing' was still missing from my life. More »My inner urge for a higher life had once again been awakened, and I felt that 'the real thing' was still missing from my life. More »Apaga Renner - Graz, AustriaThe initial curiosity gave way to calm certainty and the joy of silence, a silence in which I can now dive every day. More »The initial curiosity gave way to calm certainty and the joy of silence, a silence in which I can now dive every day. More »Upasevanam and Mahanidhi - Milan, ItalyWe wanted a real Master, a living top-class Master. I used to cry every day because I was not born in the era of the Buddha, a real Master. More »We wanted a real Master, a living top-class Master. I used to cry every day because I was not born in the era of the Buddha, a real Master. More »Pradeep Hoogakker - Den Haag, HollandNot only did the meditation techniques of Sri Chinmoy provide a definite sense of happiness, but my life had finally found its meaning in the pursuit of enlightenment or God-realisation, as Sri Chinmoy calls it. More »Not only did the meditation techniques of Sri Chinmoy provide a definite sense of happiness, but my life had finally found its meaning in the pursuit of enlightenment or God-realisation, as Sri Chinmoy calls it. More »Sarita Earp - Halifax, CanadaI had finally found what I had been searching for all those years. And 34 years later, I still say the same thing. More »I had finally found what I had been searching for all those years. And 34 years later, I still say the same thing. More »Shashanka Karlen - Geneva, SwitzerlandI slowly realised for myself that there were two things I needed in life to become really happy: meditation and a spiritual Master. More »I slowly realised for myself that there were two things I needed in life to become really happy: meditation and a spiritual Master. More »Tejvan Pettinger - Oxford, UKSri Chinmoy believes sport can play a significant role in an integral spiritual life. When I was 26, I started to enter some cycling races and found I did quite well. More »Sri Chinmoy believes sport can play a significant role in an integral spiritual life. When I was 26, I started to enter some cycling races and found I did quite well. More »Tirtha Voelckner - Munich, GermanyIn my almost 30 years as a disciple I have had so many inner and outer, challenging and happy experiences. My life is rich, inwardly rich. More »In my almost 30 years as a disciple I have had so many inner and outer, challenging and happy experiences. My life is rich, inwardly rich. More »Yasovati Steirer - Graz, AustriaOne day I saw a poster about a meditation workshop given by a disciple of Sri Chinmoy. At the workshop I felt something completely new: bubbling joy that only kept growing. More »One day I saw a poster about a meditation workshop given by a disciple of Sri Chinmoy. At the workshop I felt something completely new: bubbling joy that only kept growing. More »

Contents of this page: 1. Our inner life:

How we joined the Sri Chinmoy Centre   •  Our experiences of meditation and spirituality   •   Stories with our teacher, Sri Chinmoy

2. What keeps us busy (besides meditation):
Music   •   Athletics   •  Divine Enterprises   •  Running for peace

3. Writing and poetry by Sri Chinmoy's students



At Sri Chinmoy's request and encouragement, there are many musicians within the Centre who make arrangements of his meditative songs and perform them free of charge to the public. Here is a small selection of groups:

Agnikana's Group Czech Republic
more »

Blue Flower: Balkan countries 
more »

Ananda: UK & Ireland
more »

Eshana Gadjanski

Novi Sad, Serbia

Eshana is an accomplished pianist. She is the leader of the female music group Blue Flower, whose members come from the former Yugoslavian republics, and which offer concerts of Sri Chinmoy's music all over Europe.

Stories by Eshana:
In the Right Place, At the Right Time

Ghantika Hammerl

Salzburg, Austria

Ghantika and her whole family became students of Sri Chinmoy. Ghantika plays the saxophone in Bartika's Jazz Group, an all-female group that performs Sri Chinmoy‘s melodies in a combination of jazz, rock and pop styles.

Toshala Elliott

Auckland, New Zealand

A singer and accomplished piano accordionist, Toshala is also a member of the international women's group Shindhu.

Stories by Toshala:
Humorous moments with Sri Chinmoy
The Random Dog
Visit Toshala's homepage »

The spiritual power of sport

Sri Chinmoy encouraged his students to keep fit and participate in sports as part of their spiritual life. Here, Vasudha from San Diego eloquently describes what running means to her.


Samunnati Lehonkova

Ternopil, Ukraine

Our best female marathon runner with a PB of 2:28, Samunnati competed in the 2016 Olympics for her native Ukraine

Vajin Armstrong

Auckland, New Zealand

Vajin is one of New Zealand's top distance runners, winning the prestigious Kepler Challenge in 2011 and the Swiss Alpine Marathon in 2016

Vajra Henderson

New York, United States

Vajra has been a student of Sri Chinmoy for over 50 years; his medical and massage experience is invaluable in the many ultra-distance races that we organise.

Stories by Vajra:
Meditation saves a prison inmate's life
'If I find a Master, he would have to tell me that all men are brothers.'

Working in a spiritual enterprise

Many of Sri Chinmoy's students work in restaurants and stores dedicated to offering Sri Chinmoy's meditative consciousness to the public. Pranlobha Kalajian who works in the Silence-Heart-Nest restaurant in Seattle, describes what her working day is like.


Shankara Smith

London, United Kingdom

Shankara, along with her sister Dipika, manages the Run and Become athletic stores in the UK, which were founded by her father Ongkar with Sri Chinmoy's inspiration. She also leads the international women's music group Temple-Song-Hearts, which performs concerts of Sri Chinmoy's music all over the world.

Stories by Shankara:
The spiritual life is normal to me

Smarana Puntigam

Vienna, Austria

As well as managing a gift store on Vienna's busiest street, Smarana has also completed ultrarunning's toughest challenge - the 3100 Mile Race - seven times.

Stories by Smarana:
The Acceptance Of Life
Why run 3100 miles?
Visit Smarana's homepage »

Padmasini Guillet

Montpellier, France

Padmasini lives in the south of France, where she runs a delightful cafe called Tripti Kulai. She is also the official translator of Sri Chinmoy's writings and travels all over the world to give talks on meditation.

Running for Peace

The Sri Chinmoy Peace Run is the world's largest torch relay. Many of Sri Chinmoy's students have travelled the world as part of the international team of runners.


Laufey Haraldsdottir

Reykjavik, Iceland

A talented musician, Laufey has organised Peace Runs in Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.

Nikolaus Drekonja

San Diego, United States

Nikolaus spends his time between the United States and Austria, where he has family in both countries. He loves to travel with our international Peace Run team as they visit schools and communities around the world.

Bayarkhuu Batbayar

Ulan Bataar, Mongolia

Bayarkhuu has travelled the world as part of the international Peace Run team, taking part in runs in Scandinavia, Australia, Japan and Korea

Pranlobha Kalagian

Seattle, United States

Pranlobha is a very keen photographer, and has used that talent to great effect on her travels throughout the world with the Peace Run.

Stories by Pranlobha:
Life in a spiritual workplace
My typical day
Life in a spiritual workplace
Visit Pranlobha's homepage »

Apaguha Vesely

Prague, Czech Republic

Apaguha travels all over the world as part of the Peace Run international team. An immensely talented photographer, he likes to offer public slideshows from his travels, combining stories with pictures of nature and people.

Papaha Gosline

San Diego, United States

Papaha owns a gallery and art studio that focuses on showing spiritual contemporary art and producing commercial design. Inspired by the Sri Chinmoy's example, he lives a very athletic lifestyle teaching tennis part time, along with enjoying many other sports activities in sunny San Diego.