Writings of Sri Chinmoy

With his soulful writings, Sri Chinmoy is trying to inspire mankind.

srichinmoySri Chinmoy employs many forms of the written and spoken word, including poetry, essays, lectures, aphorisms, questions and answers, stories and plays. This variety of forms is matched by his range of subjects, from humorous tales of village life and plays on the lives of spiritual figures, to lectures on the philosophy of yoga and poetry of mystic rapture.

Poetry has always been Sri Chinmoy's first choice, as a natural medium for expressing mystical experience. His poems express a broad range of spiritual emotion, from the doubts and fears of the wavering pilgrim to the blissful realisations of the illumined master. Sri Chinmoy's poetry includes several volumes of traditional poetry mainly dealing with experiences along the spiritual path. In recent years he has concentrated on short mantric like aphorisms which serve as a guide and encouragement for seekers. To view the poetry of Sri Chinmoy.

Spiritual Talks

(Video: A 1999 lecture titled 'The New Millenium'. Source: Sri Chinmoy TV)

Sri Chinmoy has lectured on spiritual topics at hundreds of universities around the world, including Oxford, Cambridge, the Sorbonne, Harvard and Yale. These talks have been published in a collection of volumes entitled 'Eastern Light for the Western Mind'.

Through his writings and lectures, Sri Chinmoy shares in simple, clear language insights on the nature of the spiritual life and the aspirant's relationship with God. He has answered thousands of questions on spirituality from seekers travelling along the road of personal illumination and transformation.


Writings of Sri Chinmoy

To date, over 1,600 books written by Sri Chinmoy have been published. Such was the volume of his output, that new books continue to be published after his passing. His published works:

  • 112,000+ Published Poems to date
    • 45,000 poems from “Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees”
    • 27,000 poems from “Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants”
    • 10,000 poems from “Ten Thousand Flower-Flames”
    • 2,240 rhyming poems
    • 1,301 poems written in 24 hours (August 7th-8th, 1996) 
  • 63 Plays published in 16 books including
    • 11 full length plays
    • 52 one-act plays
  • 389 University Lectures
  • 3,800+ Published Stories
  • 675+ Published Jokes

Some of Sri Chinmoy’s early books were accepted by distinguished publishing houses such as Simon & Schuster, Rudolf Steiner and Herder & Herder. In recent years, Hazeldon, Health Communications, Blue Dove Press, Simon & Schuster and New Holland Publishers (Australia) have released major books by Sri Chinmoy. Sales of The Wings of Joy have soared to nearly 65,000.

