Icelandic World Harmony Run

Recently, the World Harmony Run visited Iceland for a short run around the island. The World Harmony Run began on July 1st and finished on the 16th July in Reykjavík the capital of Iceland. The run passed through the great natural beauty of the island meeting many local people along the way.

Iceland World Harmony Run

Iceland World Harmony Run

World Harmony Run Iceland

World Harmony Run in Iceland

In Reykjavík, the run was greeted by local MPs and dignitaries such as Steingrímur Hermannsson, Prime Minister of Iceland (1983-1987 and again 1988-1991). Steingrímur Hermannsson had met with Sri Chinmoy on a few occasions and maintains a warm friendship and support for the World Harmony Run.

For full report and more details see Iceland World Harmony Run