Peace Run in the Faroe Islands

peace run
The Peace Run in the Faroe Islands

Recently, the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run visited the Faroe Islands where the runners were warmly welcomed by local dignitaries, local schools and ordinary people from the island.

The Faroe Islands is one of 155 countries that the Peace Run has visited, since its inception 30 years ago. During this visit, MPs from Iceland passed on the torch to fellow politicians from the Faroe Islands - sharing a message of peace with its island neighbour.

The Peace Run seeks to share a universal message of peace and friendship amongst different peoples of the world. It seeks to celebrate the diversity of the world, whilst sharing the underlying unity of different cultures.

Is not the fault-finder
Of the world.
Is the fault-mender
Of the world.”

Sri Chinmoy [1]

The Run is also a physical challenge with volunteers who support the run, completing the distance between countries on foot - illustrating a tangible way to take this message of peace across the globe.

In this video, some of the volunteer co-ordinators talk about the meaning and significance of the Run and what motivates them to take part in this unique event.



Peace Run – Faroe Islands