Running in rhythm with the heart
“Running in rhythm with the heart” is a new book about one woman's dream to enter and finish the world’s longest running race – the Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race.
The book written by Jayasalini explains the preparation, training and epic 52 days of running around a single block in Jamaica, Queens, New York. The book gives an insight into the physical, mental and spiritual challenges which face any runner who takes on this race, often dubbed "The Everest of distance running." For keen runners, it will be of great interest to see how the body and mind cope when pushed to the limit; and for non-runners, it will give a unique insight into a remarkable adventure and the potential of the human spirit.
The book is split into numerous chapters, which give the reader an idea of the many experiences and tribulations which the runners go through. These chapters range from - remedies for injuries - to the friendships made with locals who pass by on the course. While giving an overview of the serious challenges faced in the race, it is also a celebration of running and the ideal of self-transcendence – it is an experience of a lifetime squeezed into 52 days.
“Running is a real meditation: rhythmical breathing and repeated movements help the mind leave its endless flow of thoughts. The inner space begins to exist only for the depth of a silent ocean inside and for the heart’s joy.”
P. 136 “Running in rhythm with the heart”, (2017) Jayasalini Olga Abramovskikh
Q.A with the author - Jayasalini
How did you find the process of writing this book?
I truly enjoy writing. Having returned home after the 3100-mile race one day a beautiful image appeared. I saw that a few years before this race was like a distant star which seemed to be the most beautiful one in the entire Universe, its beauty called me like anything else… I sat to write down this image. The book starts with an essay depicting exactly this experience.
Later I continued writing down some of my memories on the race. I was doing it for myself without any idea of publishing a book. I was writing because I could experience everything again - appreciating every detail of the race. Sometime later I felt a strong urge to share the experience with others, because it could not belong only to myself, it had to be shared.
Completing the book took longer than the duration of the race! To steadily move towards the goal, I committed to spend a minimum of 15 minutes a day on writing/editing the book. It worked! I missed only a couple of days and felt extremely happy to see the progress; it was like watching the birth of a new creation.
The book was first published in Russian and then translated into English. Like the race itself - where many volunteers participate in setting-up the event - publishing the book was a real team work. It would not have happened without many contributing to the design, editing, proof-reading and translating. I am very grateful for the support of everyone.
What was the most memorable aspect of race / or most significant chapter in the book?
The most precious experience for me was the feeling of being guided by the unseen hand and a feeling of complete oneness with all higher forces that aided me in during the 52 days of the race, but also the time before and after the race. Being there I had to find this oneness, to stay in a flow and be receptive to the flow. It was an amazing feeling, and since the race is the real projection of our life I feel that our entire life can become this flow. I tried to describe it in the book through different inspirational stories.
Do you have plans to do the race again in the future?
Exactly this question is answered at the very end of the book, so let me invite you to start reading from the very beginning and to enjoy the entire journey.
Jayasalini is a student of Sri Chinmoy from Moscow, Russia. She completed the 2014 edition of the 3100 Mile Race in a time of 51 days, 12 hours and 31 minutes. She was the first female Russian athlete to complete the race, and she was the youngest female to complete the race (and, at the time, only the 5th women to finish)
Video with Jayasalini talking about the race
- Running in rhythm with the heart at Amazon.com
- Final results of 2014 Race
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