Guru's Light

Guru's Light

One evening in London I visited a friend of very long standing. She was not a disciple but a very good person, and I was very fond of her. When I arrived she was not at all well. She was very unhappy and crying. Her circumstances were indeed very difficult. Nothing I said could ease her distress. In the end I said, "Well, Betty, the only thing I believe could help you—my Guru's power and love— you don't believe in. So you sit down in that chair— don't try to do anything, just sit there—and I will sit in this chair and meditate on my Guru's picture." This she did and I took out a very small Transcendental picture that I had in my purse. I had not been a disciple very long and I did not have much faith in my meditation. In fact I was not sure that I could meditate at all. I just looked at Guru's picture. In a very short time, maybe only two or three minutes, she jumped up, her face shining with relief, saying, "It's gone, it's gone! I'm all right—Oh, it's so wonderful!" Exactly what had gone I never asked. Obviously some troubles had been tormenting her. Sadly, her very conventional mind never allowed her to come to Guru, but she was always grateful, and I have never forgotten. As a result of this, sometimes when I am travelling on the Underground (subway) and I see someone looking quite sad and worried, I take out Guru's picture and look at it for a few minutes. I quite often see that person relax and sometimes give a little smile to themselves, and I know that Guru's light has touched them. Then I think of Betty and our experience together.

Sushumna (Brighton)