Soft Landing

Soft Landing

In the summer of 1972, Sri Chinmoy's disciples used to see him at the Jamaica High School track. Entry to the track was through a hole in the fence, which was on a wall about three feet high. The disciples helped each other to get up the wall to get into the track. Going down was more difficult. Although friends held my hands to help me descend, I was concerned that, being no longer young, it would be hard landing because of the three-foot drop. Nevertheless, I needed to get down. I expected quite a jolt, but much to my surprise, I landed on what felt like air or pillows. There was no jolt at all! As I landed I happened to look at Guru sitting in a car. He was looking at me, and I instantly knew that he caused me to have a "soft" landing. I was grateful to Guru for his most caring and loving concern.

Mridula (New York)