Using the 'Latest News' section (Centre site only)

There is no longer a seperate 'News Item' content type - instead we can make any page appear in the 'Latest News' section by going to Mark as news item? and checking 'Mark this page as a Latest News page'. The page can be located anywhere on the site, making it easier to organise news pages - for example placing all 2008 pages in one location and 2009 pages in another.

The page will then be listed in the 'Latest News' sidebar block and 'Latest News' page. You can see example of sidebar block at and page at

Note that the sidebar block, if enabled, will appear on the front page only (this may change in future).



Non English countries: to set up a 'Latest News' page and sidebar block for your country, please send MMS to Nirbhasa containing translation for the words 'Latest News' and 'More...'. Please only request this if you are quite sure you will make use of the 'latest news' feature on your site.

For English-speaking countries, the Latest news page has been set up at {your site name}/news

Uploading Images

We can also upload an image to appear along with the news item in the sidebar block and page. You can upload a camera quality image here (it will be automatically scaled down to 350px wide) but for best results you might consider resizing it yourself first. If you think the 'Latest News' section looks nicer without images, just leave this field alone.

You can include your image in the page itself by ticking the 'Image will appear on the page' checkbox, which is very convenient if you need to create your news item in a hurry!



Now we need to specify a 'teaser' for the news item - basically a short sentence or two, like the first couple of sentences of a news report, enticing the reader to read more. (Basically, it's the same as the 'Description' field in Plone).

You have a choice:

- either the teaser can be part of the page content
- or you can have it so it is only visible on the Latest news sidebar block and page, but not in the page itself

To do the first one (assuming the content is written already) just place the cursor where you want the teaser to end, and press the 'Teaser' button. A red line will now seperate teaser and cursor. The 'show summary in full view' checkbox should be already ticked, leave it like that. Be careful not to include images or any other formatting in the teaser - it should be plain text.


To have the teaser seperate from the page content, write the teaser above the content, hit the 'Teaser' button, and uncheck the 'show summary in full view' checkbox. For best results, remove the whitespace below the red line so the content is right up against it.